To-Do list - UI: Volume control - UI: Instrument settings - Sound: Buffering - Sound: Simple tonal synth - Build: WebAssembly - Sound: Kick, snare, cymbal - Sound: EQ, delay, reverb, compressor, limiter - UI: Effects stack - Biquad filter - Fourier transform - UI: Spectrum view - UI: Wave view - WAV export - State load and store - Project load and store - Improve X11 startup time - Custom OpenGL loader - Use OpenGL ES on all platforms - UI: Panning and scaling - Sound: Track looping - Implement Undo and Redo - Hot loading - UI: Playback controls - Selection and copy-paste - UI: Color theme customization - Sound: Sampler - Sound: Sample loading - Sound: Sample rendering - UI: Catalog Done - Script for fetching dependencies. - nanovg and miniaudio setup. - Build: Faster recompilation - UI: Piano roll - UI: Playback control - UI: Text rendering - UI: Piano roll panning - UI: Track composing