#include "../../kit/lower_bound.h" #include "../../kit/array_ref.h" #define KIT_TEST_FILE lower_bound #include "../../kit_test/test.h" static int kit_less_int(int left, int right) { return left < right; } static int kit_less_int_ref(int const *left, int const *right) { return *left < *right; } TEST("lower bound empty") { AR(int) ref = { .size = 0, .values = NULL }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 42, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 0); } TEST("lower bound single left") { int const v[1] = { 42 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 1, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 42, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 0); } TEST("lower bound single right") { int const v[1] = { 42 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 1, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 43, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 1); } TEST("lower bound first of four") { int const v[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 4, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 1, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 0); } TEST("lower bound second of four") { int const v[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 4, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 2, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 1); } TEST("lower bound third of four") { int const v[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 4, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 3, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 2); } TEST("lower bound forth of four") { int const v[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 4, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 4, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 3); } TEST("lower bound fifth of four") { int const v[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 4, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 5, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 4); } TEST("lower bound first of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 1, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 0); } TEST("lower bound second of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 2, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 1); } TEST("lower bound third of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 3, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 2); } TEST("lower bound forth of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 4, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 3); } TEST("lower bound fifth of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 5, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 4); } TEST("lower bound sixth of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND(index, ref, 6, kit_less_int); REQUIRE(index == 5); } TEST("lower bound ref first of four") { int const v[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; int const value = 1; AR(int) ref = { .size = 4, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND_REF(index, ref, &value, kit_less_int_ref); REQUIRE(index == 0); } TEST("lower bound ref second of four") { int const v[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; int const value = 2; AR(int) ref = { .size = 4, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND_REF(index, ref, &value, kit_less_int_ref); REQUIRE(index == 1); } TEST("lower bound ref fifth of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; int const value = 5; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND_REF(index, ref, &value, kit_less_int_ref); REQUIRE(index == 4); } TEST("lower bound ref sixth of five") { int const v[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; int const value = 6; AR(int) ref = { .size = 5, .values = v }; ptrdiff_t index; LOWER_BOUND_REF(index, ref, &value, kit_less_int_ref); REQUIRE(index == 5); }