#include "bench.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include kit_benchs_list_t kit_benchs_list = { 0 }; static void bench_set_repeats_limit(int i, int repeats_limit) { if (kit_benchs_list.v[i].ready) return; if (kit_benchs_list.v[i].cycles_size >= KIT_BENCH_MAX_CYCLES) return; kit_benchs_list.v[i].cycles[kit_benchs_list.v[i].cycles_size] = repeats_limit; kit_benchs_list.v[i].cycles_size++; } static int bench_loop(int i) { if (!kit_benchs_list.v[i].ready) return 0; return kit_benchs_list.v[i].repeats < kit_benchs_list.v[i].cycles[kit_benchs_list.v[i].cycle]; } static void bench_begin(int i) { int const n = kit_benchs_list.v[i].repeats++; if (n >= KIT_BENCH_MAX_REPEATS) return; struct timespec tv; timespec_get(&tv, TIME_UTC); kit_benchs_list.v[i].sec[n] = (int64_t) tv.tv_sec; kit_benchs_list.v[i].nsec[n] = (int64_t) tv.tv_nsec; } static void bench_end(int i) { int const n = kit_benchs_list.v[i].repeats - 1; if (n < 0 || n >= KIT_BENCH_MAX_REPEATS) return; struct timespec tv; timespec_get(&tv, TIME_UTC); int64_t const sec = ((int64_t) tv.tv_sec) - kit_benchs_list.v[i].sec[n]; int64_t const nsec = ((int64_t) tv.tv_nsec) - kit_benchs_list.v[i].nsec[n]; kit_benchs_list.v[i].duration_nsec[n] = sec * 1000000000 + nsec; } enum { white, blue, light, yellow, red, green }; static char const *const color_codes[] = { [white] = "\x1b[38m", [blue] = "\x1b[34m", [light] = "\x1b[37m", [yellow] = "\x1b[33m", [red] = "\x1b[31m", [green] = "\x1b[32m" }; static int print_color(int c) { return printf("%s", color_codes[c]); } void kit_bench_register(char const *name, char const *file, kit_bench_run_fn fn) { int n = kit_benchs_list.size++; if (n < KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT) { kit_benchmark_t *const bench = kit_benchs_list.v + n; bench->bench_fn = fn; bench->bench_name = name; bench->bench_file = file; bench->cycles_size = 0; bench->ready = 0; } } static jmp_buf kit_bench_restore_execution; static int const signums[] = { SIGINT, SIGILL, SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGTERM }; static char const *const signames[] = { [SIGINT] = "Interactive attention signal", [SIGILL] = "Illegal instruction", [SIGABRT] = "Abnormal termination", [SIGFPE] = "Erroneous arithmetic operation", [SIGSEGV] = "Invalid access to storage", [SIGTERM] = "Termination request" }; static void handle_signal(int signum) { longjmp(kit_bench_restore_execution, signum); } static void setup_signals() { int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof signums / sizeof *signums; i++) { #if (defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)) || \ !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) signal(signums[i], handle_signal); #else struct sigaction action; memset(&action, 0, sizeof action); action.sa_handler = handle_signal; sigaction(signums[i], &action, NULL); #endif } } static int run_bench(volatile int i) { int signum = setjmp(kit_bench_restore_execution); if (signum != 0) { kit_benchs_list.v[i].signal = signum; return 0; } kit_benchs_list.v[i].bench_fn(i, bench_set_repeats_limit, bench_loop, bench_begin, bench_end); return 1; } int compare_64_(void const *x_, void const *y_) { int64_t const *x = (int64_t const *) x_; int64_t const *y = (int64_t const *) y_; return *x - *y; } int compare_32_(void const *x_, void const *y_) { int const *x = (int const *) x_; int const *y = (int const *) y_; return *x - *y; } int kit_run_benchmarks(int argc, char **argv) { int success_count = 0; int status = 0; int no_color = 0; int line_width = 20; int carriage_return = 1; char const *specific_bench = NULL; setup_signals(); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp("--no-term-color", argv[i]) == 0) no_color = 1; else if (strcmp("--no-carriage-return", argv[i]) == 0) carriage_return = 0; else if (strcmp("--match", argv[i]) == 0) specific_bench = argv[++i]; if (specific_bench != NULL) { no_color || print_color(light); printf("Run benchmarks matching "); no_color || print_color(white); printf("*%s*", specific_bench); no_color || print_color(light); printf("\n\n"); } char const *file = NULL; ptrdiff_t file_root = -1; int benchs_total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kit_benchs_list.size && i < KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT; i++) { if (specific_bench != NULL && strstr(kit_benchs_list.v[i].bench_name, specific_bench) == NULL) continue; benchs_total++; int const l = 2 + (int) strlen(kit_benchs_list.v[i].bench_name); if (line_width < l) line_width = l; } if (benchs_total > 0) { char const *const s = kit_benchs_list.v[0].bench_file; for (int j = 1; j < kit_benchs_list.size && j < KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT; j++) { kit_benchmark_t *const bench = kit_benchs_list.v + j; if (specific_bench != NULL && strstr(bench->bench_name, specific_bench) == NULL) continue; if (strcmp(s, bench->bench_file) == 0) continue; int k = 0; for (; s[k] != '\0' && bench->bench_file[k] != '\0' && s[k] == bench->bench_file[k]; k++) { } if (file_root == -1 || file_root > k) file_root = k; } if (file_root == -1) { for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) if (s[i] == '/' || s[i] == '\\') file_root = i + 1; } } no_color || print_color(blue); printf("# "); no_color || print_color(light); printf("BENCHMARK"); printf("%*c", line_width - 9, ' '); no_color || print_color(green); printf(" LOW "); no_color || print_color(light); printf("|"); no_color || print_color(blue); printf(" MEDIAN "); no_color || print_color(light); printf("|"); no_color || print_color(yellow); printf(" HIGH "); no_color || print_color(light); printf(" in nanoseconds\n\n"); /* Prepare cycles. */ for (int i = 0; i < kit_benchs_list.size && i < KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT; i++) { kit_benchmark_t *const bench = kit_benchs_list.v + i; if (specific_bench != NULL && strstr(bench->bench_name, specific_bench) == NULL) continue; run_bench(i); if (bench->cycles_size == 0) { bench->cycles_size = 2; bench->cycles[0] = KIT_BENCH_REPEATS_DEFAULT_1; bench->cycles[1] = KIT_BENCH_REPEATS_DEFAULT_2; } qsort(bench->cycles, bench->cycles_size, sizeof *bench->cycles, compare_32_); kit_benchs_list.v[i].ready = 1; } /* Run cycles. */ for (int cycle = 0; cycle < KIT_BENCH_MAX_CYCLES; cycle++) { /* Prepare cycle. */ int cycles_done = 1; for (int i = 0; i < kit_benchs_list.size && i < KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT; i++) { kit_benchmark_t *const bench = kit_benchs_list.v + i; if (specific_bench != NULL && strstr(bench->bench_name, specific_bench) == NULL) continue; if (cycle >= bench->cycles_size) continue; bench->repeats = 0; bench->cycle = cycle; cycles_done = 0; } if (cycles_done) break; /* Run benchmarks. */ for (int i = 0; i < kit_benchs_list.size && i < KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT; i++) { kit_benchmark_t *const bench = kit_benchs_list.v + i; if (specific_bench != NULL && strstr(bench->bench_name, specific_bench) == NULL) continue; if (cycle >= bench->cycles_size) continue; if (file == NULL || strcmp(file, bench->bench_file) != 0) { if (file != NULL) printf("\n"); file = bench->bench_file; no_color || print_color(blue); printf("* "); no_color || print_color(white); printf("%s\n", file + file_root); } !carriage_return || no_color || print_color(yellow); carriage_return || no_color || print_color(light); printf("` %s ", bench->bench_name); !carriage_return || printf("\r"); fflush(stdout); int bench_status = run_bench(i); if (bench->repeats > KIT_BENCH_MAX_REPEATS) bench_status = 0; !carriage_return || no_color || print_color(light); !carriage_return || printf("` %s ", bench->bench_name); int const l = (int) strlen(bench->bench_name); printf("%*c", line_width - l, ' '); if (bench->repeats <= 0) { no_color || print_color(yellow); printf(" 0 runs\n"); success_count++; } else if (bench_status == 0) { no_color || print_color(red); printf(" FAIL\n"); status = 1; } else { int const repeats = bench->repeats; memcpy(bench->duration_sorted_nsec, bench->duration_nsec, repeats * sizeof *bench->duration_sorted_nsec); qsort(bench->duration_sorted_nsec, repeats, sizeof *bench->duration_sorted_nsec, compare_64_); int64_t const average = bench->duration_sorted_nsec[repeats / 2]; int64_t const floor = bench->duration_sorted_nsec[repeats / 20]; int64_t const roof = bench->duration_sorted_nsec[repeats - repeats / 20 - 1]; no_color || print_color(white); printf("%-8lld", (long long) floor); no_color || print_color(light); printf("| "); no_color || print_color(white); printf("%-8lld", (long long) average); no_color || print_color(light); printf("| "); no_color || print_color(white); printf("%-8lld", (long long) roof); no_color || print_color(light); printf(" %d runs\n", repeats); success_count++; } } } printf("\n"); if (status != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < kit_benchs_list.size && i < KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT; i++) { kit_benchmark_t *const bench = kit_benchs_list.v + i; if (specific_bench != NULL && strstr(bench->bench_name, specific_bench) == NULL) continue; if (bench->signal != 0) { int signum = bench->signal; if (signum >= 0 && signum < sizeof signames / sizeof *signames && signames[signum] != NULL) { no_color || print_color(light); printf("Signal \"%s\" (%d) for \"", signames[signum], signum); no_color || print_color(white); printf("%s", bench->bench_name); no_color || print_color(light); printf("\" in \""); no_color || print_color(white); printf("%s", bench->bench_file + file_root); no_color || print_color(light); printf("\"!.\n"); } else { no_color || print_color(light); printf("Unknown signal (%d) for \"", signum); no_color || print_color(white); printf("%s", bench->bench_name); no_color || print_color(light); printf("\" in \""); no_color || print_color(white); printf("%s", bench->bench_file + file_root); no_color || print_color(light); printf("\"!.\n"); } } } printf("\n"); } if (kit_benchs_list.size > KIT_BENCHS_SIZE_LIMIT) { no_color || print_color(light); printf("Too many benchmarks!\n\n"); status = 1; } if (status == 0) { no_color || print_color(green); printf("DONE\n"); } else { no_color || print_color(red); printf("DONE WITH ERRORS\n"); } no_color || print_color(white); printf("\n"); return status; }