
A collection of cross-platform utility libraries.

- Testing
  - Unit-tests
  - Microbenchmarks
- Algorithms and data types
  - Lower bound
  - Move back
  - Dynamic array
  - Big integer math
  - SHA-256
  - A* graph search
- System
  - Time
  - Atomics
  - Condition variables
  - Mutual exclusion
  - Threads
  - Filesystem
  - File mapping and shared memory
  - Shared mutex for interprocess synchronization
  - Sockets wrapper
- Misc
  - Input buffer
  - Random number generation
  - Async functions (coroutines)
  - Vector and color math
  - XML
  - HTTP 1 client

Preprocessor options
- KIT_DISABLE_SYSTEM_MALLOC                 - Disable system memory allocation functions.
- KIT_DISABLE_SYSTEM_THREADS                - Disable system multithreading functions.
- KIT_DISABLE_SYSTEM_SOCKETS                - Disable system socket library.
- KIT_ENABLE_CUSTOM_ALLOC_DISPATCH          - Enable custom allocation dispatch.
- KIT_ENABLE_CUSTOM_ASYNC_FUNCTION_DISPATCH - Enable custom async function dispatch.

C11 threads implementation was forked from the Mesa source code.

HTTP1 implementation was forked from the picohttpclient