Guattari Tech
Dark atmospheric music for Nomads.
Dungeonstep Hello! My name is Mitya Selivanov, aka Dmitry Babushkin.
I'm a  freelance computer programmer and musician from Moscow, Russia. Currently located in Bar, Montenegro. Inspired to build decentralization and cooperation technologies.
Interested inSemantic compression (see Casey's post)
Low-level programming
Performance engineering
Prediction markets (see Scott Alexander's FAQ)
Blockchain & Proof-of-Work

Puzzle games
Music synthesis
Meeting new people
I useC, snake_case, helix, Linux
Alacritty, WebAssembly, OpenGL, Vulkan
nginx, wolfSSL, stb, sokol, nanovg, miniaudio, gf
My music aliasGuattari – electronic music, mostly dungeon synth, witch house; and black metal. Feel free to use my music in your projects. All music is licensed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution). Contact me if you need additional information.
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